The 15th Asian Logic Conference, July 10 - 14, 2017, Daejeon, Korea
photo from http://namsu0615.blog.me/
The Fifteenth Asian Logic Conference will be held in Daejeon, Korea during July 10 - 14, 2017. It will be the first Asian Logic Conference since its status changed from an ASL(the Association for Symbolic Logic)-sponsored meeting to an official ASL meeting by ASL Council action in May 2016.
The Asian Logic Conference (ALC) is a major international event in mathematical logic. It features the latest scientific developments in the fields in mathematical logic and its applications, logic in computer science, and philosophical logic. The ALC series also aims to promote mathematical logic in the Asia-Pacific region and to bring logicians together both from within Asia and elsewhere to exchange information and ideas.
From 1981 to 2008, the Asian Logic Conference has been held triennially and rotated among countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The previous meetings took place in Singapore (1981), Bangkok (1984), Beijing (1987), Tokyo (1990), Singapore (1993), Beijing (1996), Hsi-Tou (1999), Chongqing (2002), Novosibirsk (2005), and Kobe (2008). In 2008, the East Asian and Australasian Committees of the Association for Symbolic Logic decided to shorten the three-year cycle to two. The new two-year cycle began with the meeting in Singapore (2009), and subsequent meetings have been held in Wellington (2011), Guangzhou (2013), and Mumbai (2015).
Some of the previous meetings' websites can be found HERE.
Important Dates (Updated)
May 31, 2017 : Deadline for contributed talk applications.
June 9, 2017 : Notification of the result of contributed talk applications.
June 16, 2017 : Deadline for the payment of reduced registration fee by bank transfer. (After this date, registration fee will no longer be accepted by bank transfer. Only on-site payment (in cash) of standard registration fee will be accepted during the first day of conference.)
June 30, 2017 (or when there are 120 registered participants before this date) : Registration closes.
July 10 - 14, 2017 : Conference
Call for Contributed Talks
Each contributed talk should last 20 minutes including questions and answers. If you would like to give a contributed talk, please send the following materials as email attachments to "alc15korea at yonsei dot ac dot kr" by May 31, 2017:
1. The title & short abstract of your proposed talk (LaTeX version + PDF version)
2. A short resume (no more than 2 pages long) including a select publication list
When sending your email, please:
Begin the subject line with [Talk]
Name your title/abstract files as: lastname_firstname_subject
e.g., Wilson_Emily_Settheory.tex, Wilson_Emily_Settheory.pdf
Name your resume file as: lastname_firstname_resume
e.g., Wilson_Emily_Resume.pdf
After reviewing your application, we will notify you of the result by June 9, 2017.
If you are selected to give a contributed talk, you will be exempted from paying the registration fee (which includes 5 lunches and a banquet).
Please note that, while contributed talks are welcome, organizers may decide to limit their number in order to provide enough room for discussions.
Note : We have had to change the conference homepage and email address in order to accommodate participants in countries that don't have access to Google pages or gmail.
If you have already registered online or sent materials to the old email address (materials such as travel support application, contributed talk application, etc.), then you don't need to do it again.
The NIMS webpage where ALC2017 was originally announced can be found HERE.